Since its establishment in 2001, and to increase the impact of its technical capabilities as well as to benefit from other entities’ expertise in major issues related to trade development, FTTC has joined forces with other organizations and counterparts from the international community. It has developed several partnership agreements with the following organizations:
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) : Cooperation with JICA gave FTTC the opportunity to benefit from Japanese experience in export marketing, as well as their vast expertise with the assistance provided to similar training institutions in developing countries in South East Asia. JICA's aid to FTTC included provision of long-term and short-term experts, training of FTTC staff in Japan and provision of training material and equipment. In cooperation with JICA, FTTC implements training programmes for Arab and African countries in the fields of “Business Management System – BMS” and “Export Marketing Techniques and Export Plan” . in 2008, FTTC was granted The Excellence Award by JICA as the best project of JICA worldwide for the year.
The Institute of Export IoE (UK)
Cooperation with ITC, Geneva enabled FTTC to have the license to implement Business Management System Program (BMS) which aims at helping small and medium size enterprises development through effective management of two major parts, production and marketing in an integrated model (Paradigm) to build competitive enterprises and business management successfully. In addition to Supply Chain Management program (SCM) which is designed to improve production efficiency and raise the competitiveness of SMEs through the quality , the price and quantity of the product, and Total Quality Management Programme (TQM) and Packing & Packaging Programme. FTTC trainers are accredited from ITC, Geneva in these fields. Moreover, FTTC serves as a service provider for ITC in some of its training projects in Egypt.
The International Trade Centre (ITC),Geneva
The IoE is an educational and training not-for-profit organization operating in the fields of international trade knowledge, standard setting and spreading best practice. It is accredited by The UK Qualification and Curriculum Authority. Within the framework of its agreement with IoE, FTTC training programme on “Qualified Export Specialist” and trainers were accredited by IoE.
International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC)
FTTC signed a cooperation agreement with ITFC to provide training in several areas; Export Marketing Techniques and Strategies ,Export Trade Information and Market Analysis, Export Marketing Research, Financing Terms of Payment and Incoterms and Participation in specialized Trade Fairs /Exhibitions.
FTTC had imlemented an agreement with The International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC) & The Industrial Training Council (ITC), Egypt to train 1000 Egyptian newly graduates from different governorates creating a cadre of export specialist to be employed by the Egyptian export .

Centre for Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries, (CBI)
FTTC signed an agreement with CBI in which the latter took great part in strengthening the training capacity of FTTC. The center's trainers were trained by CBI, and several training programs and workshops were implemented in the fields of trade fairs, data analysis and market research.
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT)
Being one of India's most prestigious business schools, FTTC signed a cooperation agreement with IIFT to cooperate in some areas; organizing mutual training programmes, conducting consultation at the senior professional level and carry out potential joint research projects, exchange of experts and scholars and sharing and relevant information and documentation.
Egyptian Exporters’ Association “Expolink”
Within the framework of the "Export Incubator Program" in cooperation with the Egyptian Exporters Association Expolink and under the auspices of the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation and the Federation of Egyptian Industries, FTTC is implementing several training programs to qualify exporters. It is also implementing several training programs in cooperation with the Association under the auspices of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).